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Addiction to meth can seem hopeless. Over time, meth depletes the body’s natural dopamine stores and damages dopamine receptors—making it all but impossible to feel any kind of happiness or well-being without increasingly potent doses of meth. The meth withdrawal process, meanwhile, is often accompanied by a prevailing sense of darkness, and in some cases suicidal ideations. Meth rehab can help.

But meth addiction is never really hopeless. Recovery is always possible—though it’s not possible alone. The first step is to admit you need help and seek the support services of a professional detox facility like New Start Recovery.

Find the Best Meth Rehab Centers for Meth Addiction Recovery

Detox is just the beginning, though. Addiction recovery is a lifelong journey, one that begins in an addiction treatment center.

Of course, not all addiction treatment centers are created equal, and not all recovery programs are exactly the same. It is important to be judicious in the program you select, and to ensure you’re getting addiction recovery care that matches your own level of need. This means choosing a licensed and reputable program, and also making a decision between residential and outpatient meth rehab programs.

Defeat the stigma. Get help and live your life free of addiction.

Residential Treatment Programs for Meth Abuse

Due to the extreme power of meth, and the severity of withdrawal, inpatient treatment programs are almost always recommended. A residential program comes with many benefits, including the chance to receive around-the-clock clinical care and medical attention. In addition to being safe, inpatient programs are also quite effective and will allow you to work with a medical team to develop a treatment plan that is right for you.

Additionally, a good residential meth recovery program will furnish you with coping strategies you can use to stay clean and sober long after your time in the residential program ends.

Outpatient Treatment Programs for Meth Abuse

In some cases, an outpatient treatment program may also be helpful. Here, it is important to attend all scheduled meetings, support groups and therapy sessions. It is also vital to ensure you follow all given instructions, and do not attempt a do-it-yourself “home” detox or recovery. Doing so can be genuinely dangerous, even life threatening.

Also important—for either inpatient or outpatient clients—is finding a rehab program that offers aftercare and long-term sobriety programs. When recovering from meth addiction, staying connected to a community, and drawing from a support system, is invaluable.

But again: It all starts with detox. If you or someone you knows is struggling in the throes of meth addiction, seeking a clinical detox program is urgent. From there, meth recovery treatment can be sought. To begin the detox program, contact the team at New Start and inquire about our meth detox services.

Claim Your Recovery We offer 24/7 free assessments over the phone. Take that first step toward a better life.Call Us 855-737-7363