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Why You Might Want a Mental Detox During the Holidays

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Why You Might Want a Mental Detox During the Holidays

Why-You-Might-Want-a-Mental-Detox-During-the-HolidaysThough it’s supposed to be a time of good cheer, many of us find ourselves with more worry, fatigue and emptiness during the holidays than at any other time of the year. We’re anxious about getting all the shopping, visiting and partying done; we are exhausted at day’s end; and we wonder, sometimes, why we’re engaging in holiday madness. Taking time for a mental detox might be the perfect solution for getting on track for a more productive and meaningful holiday season.

Mental toxins are negative thoughts that interfere with one’s sense of well-being. The Mayo Clinic links negative thoughts to stress, fatigue and depression, which are often the culprits behind our holiday blues. By ridding ourselves of negative thinking (mental detoxification), we can experience less anxiety, more relaxation and more depth to the holidays.

Mental detoxification can take the form of meditation, positive affirmations, gratitude lists or simple deep breathing that brings oxygen to the brain. You can do these activities every day or at various times throughout the year. You might even consider setting aside a whole day of positive thought activities for a full mental detox.

For instance, if you’re planning to make New Year’s resolutions, why not do a full mental detox the day before you sit down to write them? According to a recent study published by PubMed Central, we not only find ourselves less stressed, we boost our skills and productivity by eliminating negative thoughts. So with a thorough mental detox, our New Year’s resolutions become more achievable.

Among the gifts we give to others during the holidays, let’s be sure to give one to ourselves. Let us take the time to de-stress, relax and find meaning in the holidays with a mental detoxification that allows us to truly experience the joy of the season.

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Posted in Addiction, Culture, Detox, Recovery, Relapse